Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 6 - Pisco

Pisco is a pretty good place to be. After about 24 hours you know everyone here, which is a total of about 40 people. It has also been sunny every day and about 70 something degrees. Today 11 of us did a concrete roof pour, which is exactly what it sounds like. Normally these projects are supposed to take 3 hours, we ended up working from about 9:50 until 6:30, just moving concrete from the mixer on the street to the roof of a building. I partially fell through the roof twice while carrying cement, and now I have small leg cuts with cement in them. Along with that my left forearm is bruised from carrying buckets and a lot of the skin has been rubbed off, but its not that gross.

Yesterday at a work site I saw a kid, probably 4 years old, pick up a cockroach off the ground, a big one. He would pull off a part of its body and put it on the ground and let it crawl away. He would grab it again, tear off more cockroach parts, and then let it go again. He would even just hold it in his hand for a while with it squirming trying to escape. Eventually after he had picked off enough body parts, wings, e.t.c. he killed it. Peruvian toys are different than American toys.

Peruvian churros are also different than California churros. They are soft, kind of like croissants, but a little longer and narrower. They are fried and coated with powdered sugar and cinnamon, and the inside has something like a donut glaze, street vendors sell them for under 1 sole each.


  1. Hi Josh! Faja here; still trying to get my own response to go through but no luck so far, so I am sharing Patty's. Sounds like work is hard but likely rewarding and certainly no building inspectors around to hassle you. The churros sound good; the cockroaches not so much. Doug is supposed to play in 107 degree heat in Sacto. this weekend; he could use some of your 70's. Love to you.

  2. This is a test....can luddite Dad handle this high tech commentary (?) Ya? oder Nein?

  3. I think Peruvian Wii has a game in which you pull off the legs of cockroaches.

  4. I'm sure you already heard but Michael Jackson died. wtffffffffffff.

  5. As you know, in my opinion, the only good cockroach is a dead cockroach. I'm glad somebody has fun with them. Take care of theose concrete-filled scrapes and enjoy your time in Pereu!

  6. I thought maybe you were gonna say that once he got it peeled that he ate it. I was so relieved!

  7. ANOTHER DEATH UPDATE- Billy Mays died. Not kidding. Your absence from America is having a greater effect than anticipated.

  8. we are having cockroach fiascos in japan too. miss you, thanks for the travel updates, good job doing concrete work (Buff)
